Discover a life free from debt and the stress it causes.Get a free quote for our trusted solution that provides genuine relief for South Africans struggling with debt.Get your free quote now for immediate debt relief and lasting financial freedom.I receive an income & my debt is more than R20 000.* Yes NoThis field is hidden when viewing the form Before considering our program we would advise that you try to negotiate with your creditors first. Many South Africans don’t know this, but you have the right to negotiate with your creditors if you are having trouble repaying your accounts. Here is what you need to negotiate with each creditor: A written motivation explaining your financial situation and why you need a leniency period. A budget that shows your cash flow. A timeline on how long you will need a leniency period on your payments. Calculation on how much you can pay the creditor during the leniency period and how you plan to catch up with your payments after the leniency period is done. If you have negotiated with your creditors, but still find that you are falling more into arrears, then you are welcome to contact us for assistance and we’ll see if and how we can help to fix your debt.This field is hidden when viewing the formName:*Surname:*Mobile:*Email:* Δ